Why Walk & Quiz?

Immersive engagement

Create an environment where users feel deeply involved and connected to the content. Design questions and challenges that spark curiosity and encourage active participation, keeping users engrossed throughout their interaction with the app.

Memorable Learning

Presenting information in a way that is easily digestible, engaging, and conducive to retention. Utilizing techniques such as gamification, storytelling, and personalized feedback can enhance the memorability of the learning process.

Tech-Forward Branding

Leverage cutting-edge technologies and design trends to create a sleek, intuitive user interface that aligns with users’ expectations. Incorporating features like social media integration can enhance the app’s appeal and position it as innovative and forward-thinking within its market niche. Versatility for Diverse Audiences Providing quizzes on a wide range of topics, from pop culture and history to science and literature, to appeal to users with varying interests. Additionally, offering adjustable difficulty settings and adaptive learning pathways ensures that users of all skill levels can engage with the app comfortably.

Versatility for Diverse Audiences

Providing quizzes on a wide range of topics, from pop culture and history to science and literature, to appeal to users with varying interests. Additionally, offering adjustable difficulty settings and adaptive learning pathways ensures that users of all skill levels can engage with the app comfortably.

Unforgettable Moments

Include hidden easter eggs, unlockable achievements, or special events that occur during gameplay. Incorporating elements of humor, suspense, or awe-inspiring visuals can also contribute to making memorable moments within the app.It can foster a sense of excitement and anticipation, encouraging users to return for more quiz sessions and share their experiences with others.

How it works?

QR codes will be placed on site. In case of outdoorsy quizzes it’s possible to mark coordinates instead of placing QR codes.

When your visitors scan the QR code or arrive at the given coordinates, questions pop up. You can add pictures or audio to the questions too.

The goal of the game is to find all the QR codes and answer the questions correctly. In order to do that the players have to follow the given path, scan all the codes and pay attention to details.

At the end of the game, you can display weekly/monthly results, and give discount coupons, gifts or anything you wish for the players. Businesses can partner up and increase the number of their visitors, with the rewards or even with creating interactions between the players and partner businesses.

It’s fully customizable: You can add a map of the location, request feedback from your visitors, and customize the design to fit your own brand.